I had a good morning doing speech therapy and getting all my students times in before Christmas break. Success at this daunting task is always a relief before a long break. Then I was pleased to complete the remaining Medicaid forms I had to complete and submit before noon tomorrow. my afternoon tasks then were done so I headed straight to get my one month overdue inspection sticker replaced right after work. Well, to my surprise my car did NOT pass inspection! What? Yes, the nice young man, said mam, I'm sorry but your high beams are not coming on and I can't figure out why. The fuses were fine. He said he could pull the bulbs and explore further but I thanked him for his time and said I would take it to the dealership. Well, I cannot say enough wonderful things about Metroplex Toyota on I 20 in Duncanville! Gerald Battles is the amazing Service Manager and I have known him since 2000 when I purchased a 4 Runner there. The service people there as usual immediate come out and greet me by name with clipboard in hand to take notes as to my wants and needs as another person quickly papers my carpet mats and places protection over the leather seat. I explain that my car didn't pass inspection due to the high beam headlight not coming on. Gerald immediately starts investigating the situation himself! Now, remember, he is the service department Manager and he could choose to delegate this or just send it on back to the mechanics but no, he jumps right in and checks it out! When he is convince that yes,the head lamp high beams just won't come on at all, regular lights yes, but NO high beam, at all. He heads to his computer to check for recalls, updates etc. and within a few minutes brings me the diagnosis! Yes, the 2008 to 2010 Toyota Avalon's entire headlight assemblies have been totally recalled and the warranties extended. I'm covered! They both have to be totally replaced, no not just the bulbs, which were both blown or burned out, but the entire assembly, right and left! No charge! If I had had to pay it would have been $2500.00 with parts and labor. Praise God for recalls AND extended warranties!
Well, then they gave me a ride home because the work would take two hours. A lovely man who is a retired accountant from Mobil Oil does the courtesy driving for the dealership and I enjoyed our visit as he drove me home. Soon Gerald calls me that it's ready! All I had to pay was for my inspection! I'm so thankful for this unexpected blessing!
Brad drove me to get my car so we decided to have his Toyota Tacoma's overdue inspection done while we were there. Well, the adventure continued! We could not find his current proof of insurance in his truck glove compartment. No proof, no inspection. Well, we have a wonderful insurance agent, Skip Johnson, SMU graduate and leader at our church, a very kind, smart, and talented man of God. I called him and he faxed it right over to the dealership immediately! Whew! Brad's inspection done and we were all fixed up and back in compliance with the law!
Then I realized that the Senior Adult 2 and 3 dinner and Christmas party was at 6:00 and it was now 6:10! Yikes! After phone tag with my handsome smart and patient husband we decided I would simply meet him at the church for the dinner! Success! We concluded today with a delicious dinner catered by Eddlemon's, beautiful decorations, and outstanding entertainment by a very attractive and talented husband, wife, and daughter who sing at Johnny High regularly and are members of First Baptist Midlothian! I don't remember their names but I truly enjoyed their singing! What a blessed way to end this day!
Psalm 1: 1-2
"Blessed is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly but his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law he habitually meditates by day and by night."