My favorite religion professor at Baylor was my New Testament professor, my uncle, Dr. W.J. Wimpee. The lecture I remember most was his teaching about the woman at the well from the book of John, chapter 4. We are so like this woman. Christ came to her, she a Samaritan, he approached her and asked her to "Give me a drink". Jews hated Samaritans because they were a mixed race. She was known to be living in sin and was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would would talk to a woman under such circumstances. But Jesus did! The gospel is for everyone, no matter what race, social position, or past sins. We must be prepared to share this gospel at any time and in any place. Jesus crossed all barriers to share the gospel, and we who follow him must do no less.
Aren't we so much like her? We are sinful and in a disgraced position, yet He comes to us right where we are and offers us not only the most important gift of eternal life, freely given, but he offers us forgiveness, freedom, joy, hope, healing, peace, wisdom, all the spiritual gifts like mercy, exhortation, knowledge, miracles, discernment, prophecy, teaching, stewardship, ministry and more! The fruit of the Holy Spirit is ours to receive if we just believe He died to pay for our sins and we accept that free gift of eternal life!
Back to this fascinating woman sitting by this well of Jacob in Samaria! Jesus honored her and elevated her as a woman just by speaking to her! Then honored her again by asking her to give him a drink! Then He went on to tell her of living water, analogous to the gift of salvation! Our God, our Christ, models the honoring of women and demonstrates the act of lifting up the position of all women everywhere! He also modeled how we are not to discriminate based on race. Christ didn't harshly judge her for living in sin. She was amazed that he knew all about her private life yet he shared with her and challenged her to worship the Father in spirit and truth. She was quick to go back to the town and call others to come see "a man who told her everything I ever did!" Despite her reputation many took her invitation and came to meet Jesus. Perhaps we are ashamed of sins in our past but Christ changes us! As people see these changes, they become curious! Use these opportunities to introduce them to Christ!
Lord Jesus, may I never deny you in word or deed. I want to "make MUCH of you Jesus!"