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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Quiet Time

Quiet Time Guide by Dr. Bill Skaar for Jan. 3rd through 8th

MONDAY, January 3rd

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.”
(Romans 1:1)
Passage: John 15:14-16

Who are you? I don’t mean what is your name. I mean who are you as a person? What is your purpose in life? What are you doing that makes a real difference now and into eternity? The answers to those questions will frame how you live your life. They will determine your attitude at work and how you interact with others. They will affect how you budget your time and your money.
In a deep relationship with Jesus, you are both a friend and servant to Him. That relationship has purpose and meaning. It has direction. Jesus chose you to produce eternal fruit for His Kingdom. You have a call to glorify Him and be part of His work through using your time, talents and treasures. As you begin this New Year, write out a prayer of commitment that expresses to God that you know who you are in Christ and why you are here.

Apply – (2 minutes)
Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

TUESDAY, January 4th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “. . . your faith is being reported all over the world.” (Romans 1:8b)
Passage: Matthew 5:13-16

As a city, Rome was a city built on seven hills. It could be seen from miles away, but it was known across the world as both the center of the Empire and as a place filled with idolatry and immorality. Yet the believers in Rome were known for their deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ. They were known as people who lived pure lives and made a difference in the world.
God wants you to develop a reputation like those believers in Rome. He didn’t intend for Christ to be hidden in your life. He designed for Christ to be displayed through your life. Your reputation is built by what people see and hear in you. Are you known for your faith in Christ? Are you known for your kindness and honesty? Are you known for your patience and generosity? Are you known for being faithful to your family? Are you known for being active in your local church? Are you known for being a caring citizen in your community? Every day you contribute something to your reputation. Build well today.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

WEDNESDAY, January 5th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “I remember you in my prayers at all times.” (Romans 1:9c-10a)
Passage: Ephesians 6:18-20
The Apostle Paul prayed for people and he asked people to pray for him. He knew that prayer was an essential part of our lives as believers. He considered prayer to be the lifeblood of his ministry. Prayer connects us to God’s power and resources. Prayer keeps us reminded that we are not independent from God or from each other. Prayer is oxygen for our souls.
God wants you and every believer to stand strong in Christ. He wants you to hate nothing but sin, and fear nothing but Him. He wants to use your life to change the world. Therefore, He wants you to pray. Pray for yourself. Pray for your family. Pray for your pastor and church staff. Pray for your community leaders. Pray for your nation. Nothing is beyond the reach of your prayers.
Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

THURSDAY, January 6th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “I long to see you . . . that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”
(Romans 1:11a-12)
Passage: Proverbs 27:17

It’s rare to see a goose flying alone. When a goose flies, it almost always flies with a flock in a V-formation. That flight pattern is not accidental. The V formation creates an updraft which enables the geese to conserve energy and fly farther than they each could individually. Whenever the geese in the lead of the V get tired, they fall back and other geese move into their place. The constant honking you here is actually the group’s encouragement to each other.
You could call it the Geese Principle. Life is a journey, but it was never designed by God to be a solo trip. It’s impossible to fully develop in a life of faith apart from being in community with other believers. You need them and they need you. You need their encouragement and they need yours. Your need their strength and they need yours. This is major reason God established the Church. We need each other.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

FRIDAY, January 7th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:” (Romans 1:16)
Passage: John 3:16-18

Paul knew the power of the Roman Empire. He also knew the power of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. The Roman Empire was powerful enough to conquer nations and control people’s lives, but it wasn’t powerful enough to convict people’s hearts and change people’s lives. Only the gospel can do that.
The gospel message is simple. God loved you. You are separated from Him by sin. God sent His Son Jesus to die for your sin. He was raised to life and offers you salvation through faith in Him. That message is so simple, a child can understand it. Yet, it is so profound, a scholar can study a lifetime and not plumb the depths of it. Paul had accepted the gospel and he was unashamed to acknowledge it and to proclaim it. Are you?

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

SATURDAY, January 8th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
(Romans 1:17)
Passage: Galatians 2:15-21

Faith. It is the key to living a victorious life. It is the essential element of being right with God. Faith had to be exercised in order to received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Faith has to be exercised in order to grow as a Christian. It has to be applied for you to be used by Christ each day. Faith that is solid rests upon the person of Jesus Christ and who He is. It hold on to the promises of God found in His Word. It is conscious of Christ’s presence in your life. Faith starts each day with an uplifted heart saying, “Jesus, this day is for you.”
Now, go out into your day by faith. Prepare yourself for Sunday worship by faith. Look at your problems by faith. Be kind to your neighbors by faith. Serve at your church and in your community by faith. Be a steward of your resources by faith. From start to finish in the Christian life, there’s only one effective way to live. By faith.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)


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