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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daily Quiet Time Guide by Dr. Bill Skaar

MONDAY, January 10th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth . . .” (Romans 1:18)
Passage: John 3:31-36

Read the front page of the paper. Listen to the evening news. Just look around you. It doesn’t take much to see that there are a lot of bad things taking place in the world . . . the world which God created . . . the world which God loves. But God’s love does not wink or turn a blind eye towards sin. The flip side of God’s love is God’s justice. His justice demands that a penalty must be paid for sin and everyone who sins will pay that penalty. . . except those of us who have put our trust in Jesus.
Jesus paid the penalty for sin and offers forgiveness and eternal life. All we had to do was accept Him as Lord and Savior. This world is really His, but those who reject Him will always act as though it is not. There will be a payday someday. Start your week by thanking God that Jesus paid your debt and pray for someone who has yet to acknowledge Jesus as the Truth.

Apply – (2 minutes)
Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

TUESDAY, January 11th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities . . . have been clearly seen . . . so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
Passage: Psalm 19:1-6

Creation is amazing. The universe moves at such precision that astronomers can calculate the exact moment an eclipse or other astronomical event will take place hundreds of years into the future. The earth’s atmosphere is composed of exactly the right blend of hydroden, oxygen and other gases to sustain life. The earth’s distance from the sun and the axis upon which is rotates is precisely set and if it were altered, life could not exist.
Random chance? About as likely as a Rolex watch being put together by setting all the individual parts in a drying machine, turning it on and letting it run until the watch was made. Even if that could happen over the course of a billion years, someone had to be behind the part and the dryer. Creation screams out – There is a Creator! God’s Word cries out – His name is Jesus! And He loves you!

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)
WEDNESDAY, January 12th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “Although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him . . .”
(Romans 1:21a)
Passage: Psalm 8:1-9

In addition to His Word, God has given two witnesses to mankind which testify to Him. One is the witness of the inner conscience which speaks out of the God-shaped void that every person has to tell them that there is a Power in the universe greater than them. The other is the witness of creation which testifies that there must be a Creator.
It’s a sad reality that most people do not seek to find out the truth about the God who loves them and reveals Himself through conscience and creation. But to those who know God personally through faith in Jesus, every day is an opportunity to give Him glory and thanks. This reminds me, there is a third witness God has given to the world in addition to His Word. You. Now, tell God how great He is and then go out and be a blessing to others in His name.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

THURSDAY, January 13th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “(they) exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.” (Romans 1:23)
Passage: Isaiah 44:6-23

The God of the universe made mankind in His image. When people reject Him, they still have a God-shaped void they seek to fill and they do so by making a god in their own image. They make an idol. An idol is whatever replaces God as first place in a person’s life. The idol may be formed in the shape of an animal or a person. It may be a sport’s team or a celebrity. It may be money or a hobby. Whatever it is, God calls it idolatry.
The idols people set up can never fill the deepest hunger of their hearts. Those idols will never answer their prayers or get them into heaven. Those idols will never soothe their hurts, forgive their sin, or provide peace and security for their lives. But God will. Theirs is no one else like Him. There is no other god apart from Him. He loves you and is glad you’re spending time with Him.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

FRIDAY, January 14th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity . . .”
(Romans 1:24)
Passage: Galatians 6:7-10

I was disappointed this past fall that I didn’t have any vegetables growing in my garden. I was looking forward to a harvest of carrots and broccoli and peas. I guess it’s really my own fault. First, I don’t have a garden. Second, I didn’t plant any vegetable seeds. If I had planted something, I would have gotten something out, because God designed His creation to operate with a law of sowing and reaping.
God has given everyone on earth a garden. It’s called life. In this garden, you reap what you sow. Those who reject God’s Word are free to sow to please themselves, but the harvest they reap will not be pretty or beneficial to others. God wants you to sow good seeds in your life. Every day, you are sowing seeds in your home, your work, your school and neighborhood by what you say and how you behave. Sow well and enjoy a good harvest.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)
SATURDAY, January 15th

Pray – (1/2 minute)

Read – (3 minutes) “(they) also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:32b)
Passage: John 4:13-26

Acceptance is not affirmation. Acceptance is not approval. People in this world who reject God’s Word and therefore practice sinful behavior, do not need affirmation or approval for their sin. They do, however, need acceptance. They do need love. I have never seen any one changed by being confronted with condemnation, judgment and hatred over how sinful they are. I have seen many people changed by being showered with love.
Jesus accepted people as they were. He didn’t insist that they change first before He would visit with them. He was willing to visit first and He knew that if they received Him, He would change them later. That’s how He dealt with the Samaritan woman he met at the well. He showed her love and acceptance without affirming or approving of her behavior. He met her where she was so He could take her to where He wanted her to be. Be loving like Him.

Apply – (2 minutes)

Pray – (1 ½ minutes)

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