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Monday, April 18, 2011

Unexpected priviledges

I am still smiling! Yesterday Bill and I had the unexpected privilege of getting down on our knees with a precious older couple, a husband and wife, as he is facing a new cancer diagnosis. God could have used anyone, but we were so honored to have the privilege of leading them each, one at a time, in the sinner's prayer. The strong, proud, successful man truly plucked my heart strings and reminded me so much of my own dad years ago, facing a very serious diagnosis, wanted to visit with us and put in to words his desire to be sure, to "nail it down", and know that he knows for sure, that he can truly have the free gift of eternal life. After he verbalized some of his fears and struggles, I shared with him that my dad had gone to his pastor a year or so before he died with Cardiomyopathy and asked if he could "re-dedicate" his life, just "to be sure!" Well, this precious man said, yes, he wanted to do that. We all circled around him, on our knees, Bill, me and his wife. He had to sit on the couch due to some pain. Bill led him in that simple sinner's prayer where you simply acknowledge and verbalize that yes, you know you are a sinner and that you want to acknowledge and accept that Jesus paid the price for your sin's when He died on the cross and that you want to accept His free gift of eternal life. You want to then live for Him! It is and was that simple. Then I voiced a specific prayer asking for God's grace, mercy, and strength as they face the coming treatments, doctor visits, and more. We ask for healing and patience as well as perseverance and more. Then amen and it was so sweet,his wife then said, "wait, I want to do that too!" Well, yes, of course! Bill then led her in the same prayer! When we all lifted our heads again all eyes were moist and the presence of the Lord was in the room! God is so good! What a blessing, what an honor, what a privilege to get to be part of God at work right here in Grand Prairie, Texas. Please know, I am not sharing this in a bragging way. I truly am humbled and so thankful that I get to co-minister with my husband and best friend! I learned at Baylor to call these sweet times, Divine appointments or Serendipity! Yes, I am just so blessed again and again to get to be a part of these "Divine appointments!" When people ask me, "Isn't it hard being a pastor's wife?" I pause, and say, no, the blessings FAR outweigh the challenges! We get to do things all the time that make a difference for eternity! What a blessing is that?!

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